Data structures throw Java M.Tech Lab part2

          Data structures throw Java M.Tech Lab part2

17. Write Java programs to implement the following using an array.
(a) Stack ADT
(b) Queue ADT
Stack ADT
 A Stack is an Abstract Data Type (ADT) that supports the following methods:
push(obj): Add object obj at the top of the stack.
 Input: Object; Output: None.
obj pop(): Delete an item from the top of the stack and returns object obj; an error occurs if the stack
is empty.
 Input: None; Output: Object.
 obj peek(): Returns the top object obj on the stack , without removing it; an error occurs if the stack
is empty.
 Input: None; Output: Object.
 boolean isEmpty(): Returns a boolean indicating if the stack is empty.
 Input: None; Output: boolean (true or false).
 int size(): Returns the number of items on the stack.
 Input: None; Output: integer.
Type Object may be any type that can be stored in the stack. The actual type of the object will be
provided by the user. The ADT is translated into a Java interface in Program 17(a).
Program 17(a): A Stack Interface
 public interface Stack
{ public void push(Object ob);
 public Object pop();
 public Object peek();
 public boolean isEmpty();
 public int size();
The push, pop, peek, empty, and size operations are translated directly into specifications for methods
named push(), pop(), peek(), isEmpty(), and size() respectively. These are conventional names
for stack operations. Each method is defined by specifying its return value and any changes that it
makes to the object.
Stack Implementation
There are several ways to implement the Stack interface. The simplest is to use an ordinary array.
This is done in Program 17(b). The ArrayStack implementation uses an array a[] to store elements
of the stack. Its other data field is the integer top, which refers top element of the stack. The top is
also used to count the current number of items in the stack.  4. Stacks and Queues

Program 17(b): An ArrayStack Class
public class ArrayStack implements Stack
 private Object a[];
 private int top; // stack top
 public ArrayStack(int n) // constructor
 { a = new Object[n]; // create stack array
 top = -1; // no items in the stack
 public void push(Object item) // add an item on top of stack
 if(top == a.length-1)
 { System.out.println("Stack is full");
 top++; // increment top
 a[top] = item; // insert an item
 public Object pop() // remove an item from top of stack
 if( isEmpty() )
 { System.out.println("Stack is empty");
 return null;
 Object item = a[top]; // access top item
 top--; // decrement top
 return item;
 public Object peek() // get top item of stack
 { if( isEmpty() ) return null;
 return a[top];
 public boolean isEmpty() // true if stack is empty
 { return (top == -1); }
 public int size() // returns number of items in the stack
 { return top+1; }
The constructor creates a new stack of a size, n specified in its argument. The variable top stores
the index of the item on the top of the stack.
The push() method increments top so it points to the space just above the previous top, and
stores a data item there. Notice that top is incremented before the item is inserted. The pop() method
returns the value at top and then decrements top. This effectively removes the item from the stack; it
is inaccessible, although the value remains in the array (until another item is pushed into the cell). The
peek() method simply returns the value at top, without changing the stack. The specifications for the
pop() and peek() methods in the Stack interface require that the stack be not empty. The
isEmpty() method returns true if the stack is empty. The top variable is at –1 if the stack is empty.
 The ArrayStack class is tested in the Program 17(c). 34 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
Program 17(c): Testing ArrayStack Class
class ArrayStackDemo
 public static void main(String[] args)
 ArrayStack stk = new ArrayStack(4); // create stack of size 4
 Object item;
 stk.push('A'); // push 3 items onto stack
 System.out.println("size(): "+ stk.size());
 item = stk.pop(); // delete item
 System.out.println(item + " is deleted");
 stk.push('D'); // add three more items to the stack
 System.out.println(stk.pop() + " is deleted");
 stk.push('G'); // push one item
 item = stk.peek(); // get top item from the stack
 System.out.println(item + " is on top of stack");
Output of this program is:
size(): 3
 C is deleted
 Stack is full
 E is deleted
 G is on top of stack
Queue ADT
The elements in a queue are of generic type Object. The queue elements are linearly ordered from the
front to the rear. Elements are inserted at the rear of the queue (enqueued) and are removed from the
front of the queue (dequeued). A Queue is an Abstract Data Type (ADT) that supports the following
insert(obj): Adds object obj at the rear of a queue.
 Input: Object; Output: None.
obj remove(): Deletes an item from the front of a queue and returns object obj; an error occurs if
the queue is empty.
 Input: None; Output: Object.
 obj peek(): Returns the object obj at the front of a queue , without removing it; an error occurs if
the queue is empty.
 Input: None; Output: Object.
 boolean isEmpty(): Returns a boolean indicating if the queue is empty.  4. Stacks and Queues

 Input: None; Output: boolean (true or false).
 int size(): Returns the number of items in the queue.
 Input: None; Output: integer.
Type Object may be any type that can be stored in the queue. The actual type of the object will be
provided by the user. The ADT is translated into a Java interface in Program 17(d).
Program 17(d): A Queue Interface
public interface Queue
 public void insert(Object ob);
 public Object remove();
 public Object peek();
 public boolean isEmpty();
 public int size();
Note the similarities between these specifications and that of the stack interface. The only real
difference, between the names of the operations, is that the queue adds new elements at the opposite
end from which they are accessed, while the stack adds them at the same end.
Queue Implementation
The ArrayQueue implementation of queue interface is done by taking an array, que[n] and treating it
as if it were circular. The elements are inserted by increasing rear to the next free position. When rear
= n-1, the next element is entered at que[0] in case that spot is free. That is, the element que[n-1]
follows que[0]. Program 17(e) implements the ArrayQueue class, and Program 17(f) tests this class.
Program 17(e): An ArrayQueue Class
class ArrayQueue implements Queue
{ private int maxSize; // maximum queue size
 private Object[] que; // que is an array
 private int front;
 private int rear;
 private int count; // count of items in queue (queue size)
 public ArrayQueue(int s) // constructor
 { maxSize = s;
 que = new Object[maxSize];
 front = rear = -1;
 count = 0;
 public void insert(Object item) // add item at rear of queue
 if( count == maxSize )
 { System.out.println("Queue is Full"); return; }
 if(rear == maxSize-1 || rear == -1)
 { que[0] = item;
 rear = 0;
 if( front == -1) front = 0; 36 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
 else que[++rear] = item;
 count++; // update queue size
 public Object remove() // delete item from front of queue
 if( isEmpty() )
 {System.out.println("Queue is Empty"); return 0; }
 Object tmp = que[front]; // save item to be deleted
 que[front] = null; // make deleted item’s cell empty
 if( front == rear )
 rear = front = -1;
 else if( front == maxSize-1 ) front = 0;
 else front++;
 count--; // less one item from the queue size
 return tmp;
 public Object peek() // peek at front of the queue
 { return que[front]; }
 public boolean isEmpty() // true if the queue is empty
 { return (count == 0); }
 public int size() // current number of items in the queue
 { return count; }
 public void displayAll()
 System.out.print("Queue: ");
 for( int i = 0; i < maxSize; i++ )
 System.out.print( que[i] + " ");
Program 17(f): Testing ArrayQueue class
class QueueDemo
 public static void main(String[] args)
 /* queue holds a max of 5 items */
 ArrayQueue q = new ArrayQueue(5);
 Object item;
 q.insert('A'); q.insert('B'); q.insert('C');
 item = q.remove(); // delete item
 System.out.println(item + " is deleted");
 item = q.remove();
 System.out.println(item + " is deleted");
 q.insert('D'); // insert 3 more items
 q.insert('F');  4. Stacks and Queues

 item = q.remove();
 System.out.println(item + " is deleted");
 System.out.println("peek(): " + q.peek());
 System.out.println("Queue size: " + q.size());
 Output of this program is as follows:
Queue: A B C null null
 A is deleted
 B is deleted
 Queue: null null C null null
 Queue: F null C D E
 C is deleted
Queue: F null null D E
 peek(): D
 Queue: F G null D E
 Queue size: 4
Infix to Postfix Conversion
18. Write a java program that reads an infix expression, converts the expression to postfix form
and then evaluates the postfix expression (use stack ADT).
Program 18(a) translates an infix expression to a postfix expression. The main method of the
InfixToPostfix class is toPostfix(). This method takes “infix” string as an input parameter and
returns “postfix” string. In the process, we use a stack as a temporary storage. So, instead of writing a
separate program for stack operations, the InfixToPostfix class uses java.util.Stack class.
Program 18(a): Infix to Postfix Conversion
class InfixToPostfix
 java.util.Stack<Character> stk =
 new java.util.Stack<Character>();
 public String toPostfix(String infix)
 infix = "(" + infix + ")"; // enclose infix expr within parentheses
 String postfix = "";
 /* scan the infix char-by-char until end of string is reached */
 for( int i=0; i<infix.length(); i++)
 char ch, item;
 ch = infix.charAt(i);
 if( isOperand(ch) ) // if(ch is an operand), then
 postfix = postfix + ch; // append ch to postfix string 38 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
 if( ch == '(' ) // if(ch is a left-bracket), then
 stk.push(ch); // push onto the stack
 if( isOperator(ch) ) // if(ch is an operator), then
 item = stk.pop(); // pop an item from the stack
 /* if(item is an operator), then check the precedence of ch and item*/
 if( isOperator(item) )
 if( precedence(item) >= precedence(ch) )
 { postfix = postfix + item;
 { stk.push(item);
 } // end of if(isOperator(ch))
 if( ch == ')' )
 item = stk.pop();
 while( item != '(' )
 postfix = postfix + item;
 item = stk.pop();
 } // end of for-loop
 return postfix;
 } // end of toPostfix() method
 public boolean isOperand(char c)
 { return(c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'); }
 public boolean isOperator(char c)
 return( c=='+' || c=='-' || c=='*' || c=='/' );
 public int precedence(char c)
 int rank = 1; // rank = 1 for '*’ or '/'
 if( c == '+' || c == '-' ) rank = 2;
 return rank;
///////////////////////// ///////////////
class InfixToPostfixDemo
 public static void main(String args[])
 {  4. Stacks and Queues

 InfixToPostfix obj = new InfixToPostfix();
 String infix = "A*(B+C/D)-E";
 System.out.println("infix: " + infix );
 System.out.println("postfix:"+obj.toPostfix(infix) );
Output of this program is:
 infix: A*(B+C/D)-E
 postfix: ABCD/+*EEvaluation
of postfix expression
One of the most useful characteristics of postfix expression is that the value of postfix expression can
be computed easily with the aid of a stack. The components of a postfix expression are processed from
left to right as follows:

Item scanned from
Postfix Expression Action
Operand Push operand onto the stack
Operator Pop the top two operands from the stack, apply the
operator to them, and evaluate it. Push this result
onto the stack.
This algorithm finds the value of postfix expression, P. Each character of the expression, P is denoted
by ch. We use a variable stack, which is an array of integers. Initially stack is empty. The result, tmp1
and tmp2 are integer variables.
 Program 18(b) illustrates the evaluation of postfix expression. The program works for expressions
that contain only single-digit integers and the four arithmetic operators. The program uses
java.util.Stack class for creating a stack of integer values.
Program 18(b): Evaluation of postfix expression
class EvaluatePostfixExpression
 public static void main(String args[])
 String postfix = "5 6 2 + * 8 4 / -";
 java.util.Stack<Integer>stk =
 new java.util.Stack<Integer>();
 char ch;
 for( int i = 0; i < postfix.length(); i++ )
 ch = postfix.charAt(i);
 if( isDigit(ch) )
 stk.push( new Integer(Character.digit(ch,10)));
 if( isOperator(ch) )
 int tmp1 = stk.pop();
 int tmp2 = stk.pop(); 40 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
 int result = evaluate(tmp2, tmp1, ch);
 System.out.println("Value of postfix expr = " + stk.pop());
 static boolean isDigit(char c)
 { return( c >= '0' && c <= '9' ); }
 static boolean isOperator(char c)
 { return( c=='+' || c=='-' || c=='*' || c=='/' ); }
 static int evaluate(int a, int b, char op)
 { int res = 0;
 case '+' : res = (a+b); break;
 case '-' : res = (a-b); break;
 case '*' : res = (a*b); break;
 case '/' : res = (a/b); break;
 return res;
Output of this program is: Value of postfix expr = 38
Matching Brackets (Delimiters)
19. Write a Java program that determines whether parenthetic symbols ( ), { } and [ ] are nested
correctly in a string of characters (use stack ADT).
A stack is used to check for matching the left and right brackets in an expression. We want to ensure
that the parentheses are nested correctly; that is, we need to check that (1) there are an equal number of
left and right parentheses, and (2) every right parenthesis is preceded by a matching left parenthesis.
 For example, the expressions such as [A+(B*C))] or {X*Y+(Z–5} violate condition (1), and
expressions {)A+B(-C} or [(A+B))-(C+D] violate condition (2).
The Program 19 uses Arraystack to check for matching left and right brackets: [ ], { }, and ( ) in
an expression. The elements of the stack are characters. Here, we are concerned about the brackets.
The items of the stack contain only left brackets. The valid is a boolean variable, which is initially
made false.
The isExpressionValid() method makes use of the Arraystack class. Notice how easy it is
to reuse this class. All the code you need is in one place. This is one of the payoffs for object-oriented
Program 19: Matching left and right brackets in an expression using Stack
class Expression
 private String expression;
 Expression( String str ) // constructor
 { expression = str; }
 public boolean isExpressionValid() 4. Stacks and Queues

 { int n = expression.length(); // get max size (chars) of expression
 ArrayStack stk = new ArrayStack(n); // create stack
 char ch, chx; // ch: char scanned and chx: char popped
 boolean valid = false;
 for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) // get a char until ‘n’ chars are scanned
 ch = expression.charAt(i); // get char
 if( ch == '[' || ch == '{' || ch == '(' )
 if( ch == ']' || ch == '}' || ch == ')' )
 { if( stk.isEmpty() )
 valid = false;
 { chx = (Character)stk.pop(); // pop a char from stack
 if( chx == '[' && ch == ']' ) valid = true;
 if( chx == '{' && ch == '}' ) valid = true;
 if( chx == '(' && ch == ')' ) valid = true;
 if( !stk.isEmpty() ) // stack not empty
 valid = false;
 return valid;
///////////////////// /////////////////////
class ExpressionDemo
 public static void main(String[] args)
 String expr = “[A+25*{Y*(B+C-X)-K}/D*(E+13)+M]”;
 Expression ob = new Expression(expr);
 System.out.println("expression: " + expr);
 if( ob.isExpressionValid() )
 System.out.println("expression is valid");
 System.out.println("expression is not valid");
Output of this program is:
expression: [A+25*{Y*(B+C-X)-K}/D*(E+13)+M]
 expression is valid
20. Write a Java program that uses both stack and queue to test whether the given string is a
First the characters are extracted one by one from the input string and pushed onto the stack. Then they
are popped from the stack and compared with each character of the given string. It is enough to
compare with first half of the string. Because of its last-in-first-out characteristic, the stack reverses the
order of the characters. Program 20(a) uses the java.util.Stack (Refer chapter 10: Stacks).42 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
Program 20(a): Testing whether the given string is a palindrome using stack
import java.util.Stack;
class Palindrome
public static void main(String args[])
 String str = "MALAYALAM";
 if( isPalindrome(str) )
 System.out.println( str + " is a Palindrome");
 System.out.println( str + " is not a Palindrome");

 static boolean isPalindrome(String str)
 Stack<Character> stk = new Stack<Character>();
 for( int i=0; i < str.length(); i++ )

 for( int i=0; i < str.length()/2; i++ )
 if( str.charAt(i) != stk.pop() ) return false;

 return true;
First the characters are extracted one by one from the input string and inserted into the queue. Then
they are removed from the queue and compared with each character of the given string (in the reverse
order of the string). It is enough to compare with second half of the string (of course in the reverse
order). Because of its first-in-first-out characteristic, the characters are deleted from the queue in the
order of the characters of the string. Program 20(b) uses the java.util.LinkedList to implement
the queue (Refer chapter 11: Queues).
Program 20(b): Testing whether the given string is a palindrome using queue
import java.util.LinkedList;
class Palindrome
 public static void main(String args[])
 String str = "RADAR";
 if( isPalindrome(str) )
 System.out.println( str + " is a Palindrome");
 System.out.println( str + " is not a Palindrome");

 static boolean isPalindrome(String str)
 LinkedList<Character> que = new LinkedList<Character>();
 int n = str.length();  4. Stacks and Queues

 for( int i=0; i < n; i++ )

 for( int i=n-1; i > n/2; i-- )
 if( str.charAt(i) != que.removeFirst() ) return false;

 return true;
Linked Stack
21. Write Java programs to implement the following using a singly linked list.
(a) Stack ADT
(b) Queue ADT
Another way to represent a stack is by using a linked list. A stack can be represented by using nodes of
the linked list. Each node contains two fields: data (info) and next (link). The data field of each
node contains an item in the stack and the corresponding next field points to the node containing the
next item in the stack. The next field of the last node is null – that is, the bottom of the stack. The
top refers to the topmost node (the last item inserted) in the stack. The empty stack is represented by
setting top to null. Because the way the nodes are pointing, push and pop operations are easy to
accomplish. Program 21(a) is a complete listing, demonstrating the push and pop operations of a stack
using singly linked list.
Program 21(a): Linked Implementation of a Stack
class Node
{ int data; // data item
 Node next; // next node in linked-stack
 Node( int d ) // constructor
 { data = d; } // next is automatically set to null
class LinkedStack
 Node top; // top refers to top-node
 Node p; // p refers to current node
 public void push(int item) // add item onto stack
 p = new Node(item); // create new node = top; // new node refers to old top
 top = p; // top refers to new node
 public Node pop() // remove a node from the stack
 if( isEmpty() )
 { System.out.println("Stack is empty");
 return null;
 Node tmp = top; // tmp saves reference to top node
 top =; // now, top refers to next node of old top 44 Lab Manual Data Structures through Java
 return tmp; // return the popped item
 public Node peek() // get top node from the stack, without deleting
 if( isEmpty() )
 { System.out.println("Stack is empty");
 return null;
 return top;
 public void displayStack()
 p = top; // p refers to top
 System.out.print("\nContents of Stack: [ ");
 while( p != null ) // start printing from top of stack to bottom of stack
 System.out.print( + " "); // print data
 p =; // move to next node
 public boolean isEmpty() // true if stack is empty
 { return (top == null); }
///////////////////////// /////////////////
class LinkedStackDemo
 public static void main(String[] args)
 LinkedStack stk = new LinkedStack(); // create stack object
 Node item; // item stores popped node
 stk.push(20); // add 20, 35, 40 to stack
 stk.displayStack(); // print contents of stack
 item = stk.pop(); // remove a node from the top and print it
 if( item != null )
 System.out.println("Popped item: " +;
 stk.push(65); // insert 65, 70, 75
 stk.displayStack(); // display contents of stack
 item = stk.pop(); // remove a node from the top and display it
 if( item != null )
 System.out.println(“Popped item: ” +;
 System.out.println(“peek(): ” + stk.peek());// get top item  4. Stacks and Queues

 stk.push(90); // insert 90
Output from LinkedStack operations program:
Contents of Stack: [ 40 35 20 ]
Popped item: 40
Contents of Stack: [ 35 20 ]
Contents of Stack: [ 75 70 65 35 20 ]
Popped item: 75
peek(): 70
Contents of Stack: [ 70 65 35 20 ]
 Contents of Stack: [ 90 70 65 35 20 ]

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